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Energy performance certificate and advice on improving energy performance certificates

Receive an Energy Certificate for your House or Apartment

We provide services in the field of energy certificates and energy characteristics of buildings and apartments. Take advantage of our knowledge and experience to save money and increase the value of your property.

Energy certificate?

Are you tired of high energy bills?

Do you want to save money on heating and cooling your home or apartment?

Do you want to increase the value of your property before selling or renting?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, you absolutely need an energy certificate or energy performance certificate for your building or apartment.

Get your Energy Certificate today and start saving on your bills!

Regardless of whether you own a house, apartment or commercial building, having an energy certificate is a key element in the process of effectively managing energy costs. Thanks to it, you will find out what the actual energy consumption is in your property, which will allow you to save on your bills. In addition, an energy certificate can also influence the value of your property on the real estate market, which is an additional financial benefit. Additionally, having an energy certificate complies with applicable regulations, which allows you to avoid unpleasant legal consequences. So don't wait and order an energy certificate for your property today - take care of your wallet and the natural environment!

Energy Certificate – Why is it so important for your building?

Having an energy certificate is not only a legal obligation, but above all a benefit for your building. It allows for a precise assessment of the building's energy consumption and determination of its energy classes. This allows you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your property and take appropriate steps to increase its energy efficiency.

Additionally, the energy certificate provides information for potential buyers or tenants who pay more and more attention to the costs of maintaining the property. Being in possession of an energy certificate gives you an advantage on the real estate market, which may increase its value.

It is also worth remembering that having an energy certificate is mandatory when selling or renting real estate. Lack of a certificate may result not only in financial penalties, but also in the loss of potential customers or tenants.

Therefore, do not delay and order your energy certificate today to increase the value of your property and avoid unpleasant legal consequences.

Świadectwo Energetyczne
Świadectwo Charakterystyki Energetycznej
Energy performance certificate
Energy performance certificate

Energy Performance Certificate – or Energy Certificate?

An Energy Performance Certificate, also called an energy certificate, is a document containing information about the energy characteristics of a building or residential premises. It contains information on energy consumption and recommendations for improving energy efficiency. The certificate is issued on the basis of regulations on energy efficiency of buildings and residential premises and is entered into the Central Register of Energy Performance buildings. This is a mandatory document when selling, renting or leasing a building or residential premises, which is intended to inform potential buyers or tenants about the costs of energy needed to maintain the property at the appropriate temperature and lighting.

Building Energy Performance – How does it work and why should you do it?

Building Energy Performance is a comprehensive analysis of the building's energy efficiency. It involves precisely measuring energy consumption and determining how it is used in the building. This characteristic allows you to identify weak points in the building that require improvement and also indicates possible ways to increase energy efficiency.

Having the Energy Performance of a Building is important not only for economic but also ecological reasons. Thanks to this analysis, it is possible to identify sources of excessive energy consumption and take appropriate steps to reduce the building's negative impact on the natural environment.

Preparing Energy Performance Certificates – What are the benefits of having one?

Having an Energy Certificate brings many benefits to the property owner. First of all, it allows you to estimate the operating costs of the building, which may result in financial savings. Additionally, in the case of selling or renting real estate, having a current Energy Certificate is required by law and may increase the market value of the property. Therefore, it is worth ensuring that you have a current certificate and take care of the energy efficiency of your building.

Apartment Energy Certificate – What should you know before buying an apartment?

If you are planning to buy an apartment, it is worth paying attention to its Energy Certificate before making the final decision. Thanks to this document, you will learn about the operating costs of the apartment and its energy parameters. The Energy Certificate will allow you to assess how effectively the building is thermally insulated and how much energy is needed to heat and cool it. This will give you a better idea of ​​what it will cost to maintain your property in the future. It is therefore worth remembering this aspect when purchasing an apartment and always request a current Energy Certificate from the seller.

We provide services in the field of energy certificates and energy characteristics of buildings and apartments. Take advantage of our knowledge and experience to save money and increase the value of your property. – Voltex Invest brand


What is an Energy Certificate?

An Energy Certificate, also known as an Energy Performance Certificate, is a document containing information about the energy performance of a building or residential premises, which is necessary when selling, renting or leasing real estate.

Why do I need energy performance certificates?

Having an Energy Certificate is mandatory when selling, renting or leasing a building or residential premises. This is a key element in the process of effectively managing energy costs, which allows you to save on your bills and increase the value of your property.

What information does the Energy Certificate contain?

The Energy Certificate contains information on the energy consumption of a building or residential premises and recommendations on improving energy efficiency. Additionally, it contains information about the energy class of the property, which allows for an accurate assessment of its energy consumption.

Who can issue an Energy Certificate?

An Energy Certificate can only be issued by an authorized energy certifier, i.e. a person with appropriate qualifications and experience in the field of energy efficiency of buildings and residential premises.

How can I order an Energy Certificate for my property?

To order an Energy Certificate for your property, please contact an authorized energy certifier and make an appointment. The certifier will carry out audyt energetyczny nieruchomości i na podstawie uzyskanych wyników wystawi odpowiednie świadectwo energetyczne.