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Franczyza budownictwo


Discover our wide range of eco-friendly services. ecological and passive construction franchise, together with an innovative construction platform that focuses on the creation and implementation of energy-saving and passive house designs, we offer energy audit services and use recycled materials. Our priority is to ensure that our buildings are environmentally friendly and healthy for residents.

We cordially invite you to visit our blog dedicated to energy-saving construction! There you will find a lot of valuable information, advice and inspiration regarding the design and construction of energy-saving and passive houses. Find out what exactly is a passive house and what innovative solutions can be used to minimize energy consumption and effectively reduce heating and cooling bills. See for yourself that creating an ecological home does not have to be complicated or involve high costs. And if you dream of your own business in the construction industry, we also invite you to get to know our franchise offer. Become our partner and take advantage of our experience and support in creating your own success. Together we can build a future in harmony with nature! – construction franchise

franchise ecological and passive construction and construction platform specializes in the distribution of building materials, design and construction of energy-saving and passive houses, and offers a franchise of ecological and passive construction

BuildCompany – Innowacyjna construction franchise, specjalizująca się w ekologicznym budownictwie oraz usługach związanych z ekologią budynków. Jesteśmy dumnym partnerem dla naszych franczyzobiorców, oferując im możliwość prowadzenia własnego biznesu w ramach naszej sieci. Dzięki naszemu doświadczeniu i wsparciu, jako partner franczyzowy, będziesz mógł/a świadczyć nasze wysokiej jakości usługi związane z ekologicznym budownictwem. Dołącz do naszej rozwijającej się sieci i razem twórzmy przyszłość, dbając o środowisko i zapewniając ekologiczne rozwiązania dla naszych klientów.

Build Company - distributor of materials for passive houses

Why is it worth choosing our platform and entering the franchise network?


Materials for thermal and acoustic insulation and protection against water and moisture.

A passive house is designed to reduce its energy demand through the use of thermal, acoustic, waterproof, and vapor barrier insulation. As a result, the operating costs of the house are significantly lower compared to a traditional house. Build Company is one of the best places to purchase thermal, acoustic, waterproof, and vapor barrier insulation.


Materials for erecting walls and elements limiting the formation of thermal bridges.

Jeśli jesteście zainteresowani budową Domu Pasywnego i szukacie wysokiej jakości materiałów do wznoszenia ścian i elementów ograniczających powstawanie mostków cieplnych, to jesteście we właściwym miejscu. Dystrybuujemy najlepsze products dostępne na rynku europejskim, które pomogą Wam w osiągnięciu maksymalnej efektywności energetycznej i komfortu w Waszym Domu Pasywnym.


Heating systems based on ecological heat sources and innovative surface heating technologies.

Nowadays, when caring for the natural environment is becoming more and more important, more and more people are looking for ecological heating solutions for their homes. Home heating systems based on ecological heat sources and innovative surface heating technologies are a perfect solution for people who want to combine the comfort of warmth with care for our planet. We will help you choose the best heating system for your passive house.


Systems that provide fresh air and reduce heat loss through excessive ventilation of rooms.

If you are looking for modern and ecological solutions for home ventilation and heating, you are in the right place. We will present you the most recommended home ventilation and recuperation systems that provide fresh air and minimize heat loss through excessive ventilation of rooms. Thanks to these innovative solutions, you can enjoy comfort, save energy and care for the natural environment. Feel free to contact us!


Roofing systems, modern roofs, green roofs and gutters, gray water, rainfall retention

If you are interested in purchasing high-quality roofing systems, modern roofs, green roofs and gutters, gray water and rainfall retention for a passive house, you are in the right place. We will present you the best product in these categories available on the European market. Each one is unique and offers unique benefits for your Passive House. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer and find the perfect solution that will meet your needs.


Ecological systems for making facades, facade panels

Get to know the best ecological façade systems for passive houses! If you are planning to build or modernize your house in an ecological spirit, you are in the right place. We will present you the highest quality facade panels available on the European market, which will perfectly fit into the aesthetics of your home, while ensuring optimal energy parameters for a passive house. Get ready for an exciting journey through the world of innovative facade solutions!

Measuring devices

Modern measuring devices for house audits

If you are interested in a house audit, building tightness measurements and electronic measurements in buildings and rooms, we will definitely interest you. Nowadays, there are many modern measuring devices that can help in diagnosing problems related to energy efficiency and optimizing our homes. We will present you with the highest-rated devices available on the European market, which are the perfect choice for professionals and enthusiasts dealing with home audits and their construction.


Accessories necessary when building an energy-saving or passive house

Building an energy-saving or passive house is not only a trendy and ecological solution, but also an investment that brings energy savings in the long run. However, to achieve its full energy efficiency potential, it is essential to equip your home with the right accessories and controls. We present solutions that are indispensable when building an energy-saving or passive house. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer, which will help you make the right choice.

Do you feel frustrated because of the lack of access to the best building materials on the market? Are you interested in offering your customers the benefits of building a Passive House, but don't know how to go about it? Are you looking for a platform that will make your construction process easier, save time and money? If so, our construction franchise network is made for you!

Thanks to our franchise network, you will have access to high-quality building materials that will help you realize your project. In our offer you will also find passive house designs that will allow customers to save on energy bills and provide a higher level of comfort and you will stand out on the local market.

Co sprawia, że warto wybrać naszą sieć franczyzową i nasze products? Jesteśmy doświadczonym dystrybutorem materiałów budowlanych, specjalizującym się w domach pasywnych. Nasza platforma zapewnia łatwy i szybki dostęp do wszystkich niezbędnych materiałów budowlanych w jednym miejscu. Oferujemy konkurencyjne ceny i fachową pomoc w doborze najlepszych materiałów i rozwiązań dla Twojego projektu.

Fill out the form and get an exclusive offer! Join our franchise network and see how easily and quickly you can implement your new eco-friendly construction projects and build passive houses that will serve the environment for many years.


1. What are the advantages of passive construction?

Passive construction has many advantages, including lower operating costs, greater thermal and environmental comfort, as well as a positive impact on the health of residents.

2. Why is it worth investing in the franchise?

Investing in the franchise gives you access to a recognized brand, operational and marketing support, and opportunities to cooperate with other network partners.

3. How to get a franchise?

To get a franchise, you need to submit an application, go through the selection process and sign a franchise agreement

4. Does the brand have experience in passive construction?

Yes, is a company with extensive experience in passive construction and gained trust of customers.

5. What are the benefits of having a franchise

Owning a franchise provides a recognized brand, operational and marketing support and the ability to use a partner network.

Please get in touch with

BuildCompany – CONSTRUCTION INVESTMENTS and a franchise network specializing in ecological construction and services related to ENERGY EFFICIENCY of buildings.

Get in touch now!